
One bushel of tomatoes and a side of acrylics

tomatoes and pesto Weeks and months have dropped like lead balloons from the calendar of life since I last blogged about my 21-day vegan food adventure. So much has happened to make me appreciate the fragility of life and the importance of taking care of this body in which I exist. Eating vegan is a sure-fire way to stay healthy, but when life’s stresses seem overwhelming, nothing seems to calm my nerves better than a spicy pepperoni from Mikey’s Late Night Slice or a bacon covered piece of…deep fried bacon.

That said, a healthy life balance is the key when those indulgent tendencies are far too overpowering for normal human weakness. To counteract said tendencies, I made a point to incorporate a vegetable garden into my summer. It began with an impulsive Monday evening of sod shredding in June, and has resulted in tomatoes out the yin-yang in September. This Farmer Brown made one batch of homemade tomato sauce and pesto and realized she could spend no more time on tomatoes. You’re welcome, tomato loving co-workers.

In addition to my figurative green thumb, my hands have also been blue, black, orange, purple, many other colors this summer. Slowly but surely, I’ve moved from kitchen to easel in my one bedroom apartment. I’ve had the opportunity to paint some cute pups, record albums, and street scenes. With two art shows coming up in NW Ohio within the next month, I’m going to be a painting fool, and that’s exactly the kind of therapy that goes amazingly well with a tanqueray and tonic.

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